Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra with TCR
The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit, translates to, “city of jewels.” Located in the upper belly at the diaphragm, it acts as the center of personal power. This chakra governs personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity.
Food Combining 101
The concept of food combining is based on the premise that fruits, proteins, and starches digest at different times. Strategic food combining can help improve your digestion to achieve better health, weight loss, improved energy, reduced acne and skin blemishes, better absorption of nutrients, and improved detoxification.
Herbs For Homeopathic Healing
Keeping in touch with your physical being will tell you which herbs will serve you the best and which ones you can do without. Humans aren’t designed to be taking every supplement, all at once, forever. Here are some of our favorite herbs to take for specific reasons, but remember that you should always listen to your body and don’t just take these to take them.
Go Deep- Get Into The Zone In Your Meditations
With meditation practice, you have everything necessary already within you. By sitting yourself down, wherever you are, closing your eyes, and going within, you can get there. But tools can most definitely help you on your meditation journey. Here are our five tips to help you go “deep” in your mediation.
Sacred Tool Box – Here’s What’s Inside
Sometimes having a spiritual practice can feel like a lot of planning, and maybe can even be a bit intimidating. It can be difficult to find the quiet time you need to connect and focus. Sometimes it is a bit challenging to fit into your day, and you can fall off from your practice.
Gateway To Your Higher Self – 4 Ways To Activate Your Crown Chakra
Practicing a connection with your higher self will lead to a trust so deep in the divine timing, that the perception of challenges in life will come as lessons. Tuning into higher consciousness is said to happen both physically and energetically in the crown chakra.
Sacred Herbs to Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energy
Are you feeling lethargic, out of alignment, or just “off”? Maybe it’s time for a clearing of your home. You probably already know the power of burning sage and palo santo but we are about to teach you about more herbs you can use to clear your space. To burn these sacred plants, it’s important to do it with respect and source these plants from sustainable sources and from native tribes.
Six Crystals to Ignite Self Love
Ancient civilizations used crystals as a way to connect to the earth and nature. Now we collect them for their beauty and their supernatural qualities. The first step in working with crystals is setting intentions with each crystal.