Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra with TCR
Affirmations to help you unlock your Solar Plexus chakra:
I honor the power within me, I honor myself, I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly,
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears, I can do everything that I desire, I stand in my power.
The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit, translates to, “city of jewels.” Located in the upper belly at the diaphragm, it acts as the center of personal power. This chakra governs personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity.
The solar plexus chakra has much to do with motivation, willpower, and purpose, which coms from your sense of personal success. The Solar Plexus Chakra is a center of personal strength, self-confidence, learning and comprehension. It guides you through life by creating a strong sense of self, setting personal boundaries and building self esteem. The ability to bring change into your life and to the world is born within this Chakra.
When struggling with the solar plexus chakra, sometimes the simplest thing to do is to make small choices that create feelings of personal power and authenticity! Whether it is wearing a certain color, eating certain foods, essential oils, or forms of movement! Even the smallest daily decisions can aid in the alignment of the solar plexus chakra.
So, what can we do and how can we heal our Solar Plexus Chakra?
Yoga is one of the most powerful tools for realigning the solar plexus chakra. Specific asanas that can target this chakra include bow pose, boat pose, lion pose, mountain pose, warrior pose, and seated spinal twist. Not just yoga, movement in general can be effective in balancing this chakra, as exercise can help to create an individual sense of strength, growth, and power.If a chakra feels blocked, it usually means that stagnant energy is trapped there. So if you feel a block in the sacral, try to get moving with an emphasis on the hips and lower abs.
Essential Oils
The solar plexus chakra is located around the abdomen and just above the belly button. Massage any of the recommended essential oils on this area for best results. This is best done during or after practicing specific yoga poses to maintain and balance the solar plexus chakra!
However, there is no right or wrong way to use essential oils. Similar to the root chakra, you can also massage essential oils directly on the bottom of your feet. As mentioned, you can also use an aromatherapy diffuser to create a mist throughout your home or workplace.
Black Pepper
Affirmations can be beneficial to incorporate into chakra-balancing too. They are often great to incorporate into your daily journal practice, and/or meditation, or at any point throughout the day when the solar plexus might need a little boost. (For example, consider speaking a few of these in front of the bathroom mirror each morning.)
Affirmations for the solar plexus chakra include:
I am enough.
I have purpose.
I know who I am and I live true to myself.
I am confident and authentic.
I am strong, capable, and powerful.
There are a variety of emotional and mental tools too. For instance, try a visualization such as the breathing in and radiating back out of spinning golden light from the solar plexus, the chakra expanding wider with each breath. Or, try a meditation designed for the solar plexus chakra. Available within TCR Membership!
Another one of our favorite ways to connect your solar plexus chakra is through the use of crystals and gemstones! Using crystals for the solar plexus chakra helps you connect with your sense of purpose and responsibility for life. This chakra is related to the color yellow, in part because of it’s immense tie of the power of the Sun. Citrine, and Yellow Tourmaline, which can help clear your body of negative energy that may be blocking your solar plexus chakra. Other crystals used to heal this chakra include Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper, and Yellow Quartz.
Food and Physical
Physically, the solar plexus supports your spleen, stomach, liver, and pancreas. An imbalanced third chakra can cause feelings of insecurity and lack of purpose, as well as stomach issues (pains, ulcers, chronic indigestion, to name a few)
Like the chakra’s color, think yellow when it comes to balancing your solar plexus. Bananas, pineapple, corn, lemons, and yellow curry are all good choices. ( Yellow is a natural mood enhancer). Also feed this chakra with complex carbohydrates and whole grains such as oats, brown rice, spelt, rye, farro, beans, vegetables, and sprouted grains. These foods provide crucial fiber and sustainable energy.
By keeping the solar plexus chakra in balance and allowing it to be able to have free flowing energy, we can motivate ourselves to have more of sense of identity, purpose, confidence, and empowerment. The goal here is to let go of the control of life, and allow things to eb and flow more freely, and allowing more abundance into my life.With an aligned solar plexus, we can be our truest, most authentic selves in all we do and in every choice we make!