8 Superfoods to Eat More of in 2023
We’re hearing from women who are feeling sluggish and burnt out after a rough few years. They’re looking for ways to boost energy levels and make 2023 their best year yet.
One health “hack” we give to the thrivers in our TCR community is to eat more SUPERFOODS.
Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance
Many women believe severe period pain, migraines, and mood swings are just part of being a woman! Others turn to pharmaceutical birth control to regulate cramps, acne, irregular cycles, and heavy periods (which opens a can of worms in itself).
6 Energy-Boosting Habits to Beat Your Afternoon Slump
Do you battle to keep your eyes open in the middle of the afternoon? You’re not alone. The dreaded afternoon slump happens to the best of us. Unfortunately, heaviness, brain fog, fatigue, and loss of motivation make it tricky to live your best life. Today, we’ll explore natural solutions to make afternoon slumps a thing of the past (spoiler alert: none involve caffeine).
7 Simple Ayurvedic rituals to incorporate into your everyday
The right daily routine brings balance, grounding, and clarity. We thrive when we establish practices in our everyday lives that nurture and nourish us.
Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra with TCR
The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit, translates to, “city of jewels.” Located in the upper belly at the diaphragm, it acts as the center of personal power. This chakra governs personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity.
Spirulina and Sea Moss Superfood Benefits
So, first things first, what is a Superfood? A superfood is a nutrient-rich food considered to be highly beneficial for health and well-being. Superfoods contain a high volume of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Two of my personal favorite superfoods that I have seen miraculous health results from are spirulina and sea moss.
10 Tips to Help You Kick the Last 10
So, you feel like you’ve done everything under the sun to reach your ideal goal weight, and just can’t seem to kick the last 10…Ideal weight is the weight one feels best at and can safely maintain. This allows people to let how they feel be their guide versus relying on a number on the scale.
Food Combining 101
The concept of food combining is based on the premise that fruits, proteins, and starches digest at different times. Strategic food combining can help improve your digestion to achieve better health, weight loss, improved energy, reduced acne and skin blemishes, better absorption of nutrients, and improved detoxification.
The Nut Milk/Milk breakdown- Which Is The Best Option?
Oat Milk, almond milk, macadamia nut milk, cashew milk, pistachio milk…cows milk! The list goes on and on. All so creamy and delicious, who doesn’t love these nut milk alternatives?
16 Healthy Habits By The Collective Ritual
This is the whole reason we started TCR in the first place.
TCR’s Do’s & Don’ts For Cellulite
We get it… Cellulite sucks and can be a very sensitive topic for most women, and can cause a lot of insecurity. Cellulite is so common and there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! You are not your cellulite. Each one of us is an amazing and beautiful person who happens to have cellulite. And that’s fine!
Your Full Guide to Face Mapping
Face mapping and reading, is more intricate than just the surface of the skin and is a lot more important than just aging. Acne tends to develop in specific zones of your face as the end result of stress, blood pressure, hydration, digestive wellbeing, and other internal concerns.
Open Your Third Eye By Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland
The pineal gland – It comes from the Latin word for pine cone, or pinea, relating to its shape and appearance. This gland is responsible for vital hormonal secretions that have a lot to do with our general well-being, and it’s been linked to a deep sense of spirituality.
Daily Practices You Can Incorporate To Combat a Hormone Imbalance At Home/Naturally
Do you think you might have a hormonal imbalance? Hormonal imbalances are actually very common throughout women especially as we age. Common side effects of this might look like, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, acne, and loss of libido. Hormones have profound effects on your mental, physical and emotional health.
You’ll Bee Feeling Better After Reading This – Our Favorite Bee By-Products
I’m sure you have seen that $60 manuka honey on the top shelf of your local Whole Foods and I’m also sure you were thinking what makes it worth that kind of money. Well, this is where I fell into a rabbit hole of unraveling all of the amazing things bees create. In this blog, I’m going to tell you my favorite facts about the by-products of bees!
Connecting To The Phases Of Your Moon Cycle Through Food and Movement
The moon is often depicted as a symbol of the feminine. An embodiment of the rhythm of time. A metaphor for the cycles of womanhood. And a beautiful force that can impact everything from the ocean waves to our emotions. Like the moon, we go through phases throughout the month. The phases of the menstrual cycle are menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.
How To Raise Your Vibration and Human Frequency
Have you ever been in a “mood” and can figure out why? You could have been experiencing a time when your frequency was low. My frequency? What is that? To be technical about it, frequency is a repeating vibration that happens over the course of one second; and EVERYTHING around us has a frequency or vibration. As humans, when our vibration is lowered we tend to experience physical and mental symptoms.
The In’s & Out of Chlorophyll
There is magic in plants. Plants can thrive in both the harshest of conditions and the lushest of climates. They can grow to enormous heights, regenerate after trauma, and flourish with sunlight and water. While we can’t be plants, we can harness some of their magic for our own health.
Organic Vs. Conventional Produce
Organic or conventional? Which should you choose? We know that buying and eating organic can be pricey! Organic produce can sometimes double your bill at checkout and even per sway you to buy conventional instead.
Causes Of Cravings and Why!
Our bodies are complex, amazing machines. It knows when to sleep, when to wake up, breakdown and process food, and turn it into energy and nutrients. Your heart will never miss a beat, and your lungs will always breathe.