Open Your Third Eye By Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland

Third Eye Affirmation:

“I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance. I trust my intuition, always. I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences. I am connected to my higher power. I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.”

The pineal gland – It comes from the Latin word for pine cone, or pinea, relating to its shape and appearance. This gland is responsible for vital hormonal secretions that have a lot to do with our general well-being, and it’s been linked to a deep sense of spirituality.

The pineal gland is also known as the Third Eye. Those of us yogis who are familiar with the Third Eye Chakra know that this has to do with spiritual alignment, overall balance, and acceptance of the moment. It’s clairvoyance and knowledge, packed into a mental state of calm clarity.

Perhaps this is because of its location, which is in the middle of your forehead. It’s located in the center of the brain and is often picked up by X-ray images due to calcifications. The main function of the pineal gland as we understand it today is to receive information on the status of light and dark cycles from our environment and to relay this information in such a way that we secrete the hormone melatonin at the right time in order to support our sleep cycles and circadian rhythm. It’s also a vital part of our endocrine system, meaning it’s a part of our body’s ability to regulate metabolism, growth, and sexual development. Melatonin has a big impact on all of our hormones and our endocrine regulation, not just sleep. In fact, it’s critically involved in reproduction.

But as many wisdom traditions believe, when performing at its ultimate capacity, the pineal gland releases important biochemicals such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Also known as the spirit molecule, DMT is a prime catalyst for higher states of consciousness, intuition, and even possibly the experience of universal consciousness or enlightenment.

Having a blocked third eye (or calcified pineal gland) can wreak havoc on your wellbeing—from anxiety, depression, pessimism, and a tendency to overanalyze to confusion, delusions, paranoia, and impaired perceptions of reality. It can even be linked to neurological disorders.

Here are a Few Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland and Activate the Third Eye

Cut out the processed foods – Foods with additives, preservatives, chemicals, and pesticides are all risk factors for both calcification and premature aging. That goes for GMO foods as well. When possible opt for organic, living, plant-based foods.

Avoid excess fluoride: Switch to fluoride-free toothpaste, I personally love this one by kiss my face.

Sungazing. Sungazing is an ancient technique believed to improve health and even induce such states as heightened clairvoyance and the ability to subsist without food or water. But bear in mind that only certain times of day-specific stages of sunrise and sunset—are recommended for sungazing. Here is a helpful link if you want to try sun gazing. 

Crystal work. Placing a crystal over the third eye while lying down is said to work wonders on activating it. Crystals with indigo and violet hues are recommended, and clear quartz will always help to amplify their properties. Some good options include amethyst, lapis lazuli, iolite, moldavite, sodalite, moonstone, and many more. Leave the stone between your eyebrows during meditation for 15 to 30 minutes. Lay on the ground with your crystal and listen to this DMT releasing meditation in your headphones.

Rapé. Rapé has helped me so much on my journey. Rapé is a legal sacred ​shamanic snuff medicine, which is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English. Also, it’s known to be casually referred to as ‘hape’, ‘hapi’ or ‘rapay” by some Western people. They are very rare, sacred, powerful, precious, profoundly healing, and cleansing miracle medicines. They are made in a very sacred and labor-intensive process and consist of various Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients. Some types of rapé are made by various indigenous tribes, who originate from different South American countries – primarily Brazil and Peru. Generally, they have the following effects – profoundly helps to re-align and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any sickness on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, opens-up the third eye, de-calcifies the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases any negative thoughts, removes any entities, connects you to your divine breath, and elevates your connection with Spirit. If you are interested in this sacred plant medicine here are my two favorite shops. Shamanic Snuff  and Dreamy Earth Designs 

Use essentials oils. The nose is a direct gateway to the brain and the pineal gland. To stimulate the olfactory passage to spiritual states of awareness, try sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, clary sage, helichrysum, pine, pink lotus, and mugwort.


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