How To Raise Your Vibration and Human Frequency
“Shout out to everyone transcending
a mindset, mentality, desire, belief,
emotion, habit, behavior or vibration,
that no longer serves them.”-Lahla Delia
Have you ever been in a “mood” and can figure out why? You could have been experiencing a time when your frequency was low. My frequency? What is that? To be technical about it, frequency is a repeating vibration that happens over the course of one second; and EVERYTHING around us has a frequency or vibration. As humans, when our vibration is lowered we tend to experience physical and mental symptoms. By doing things that can foster and increase our vibration we can live our fullest life. It’s actually super easy to raise your vibration, but the challenging part actually comes with trying to STAY in high vibration when things on the outside can get a little messy and uncomfortable.
First of all, what does it mean when we say “High Vibration”? Everything in the world is made up of energy, and vibrations. Everything and everyone is vibrating at its own frequency! Energy is very transferable, and your energy and vibration can be altered by so many factors. How do you know whether or not you’re in high vibration or low vibration? Take a look at how you’re feeling. If you feel good, that is your guides letting you know that you’re in a high vibrational state. Feeling good usually means things are going your way, you feel happy emotionally, you feel stable, and overall, energetically you’re thriving! To sum it up, when you’re in a high vibrational state you will manifest more high vibrational things, people, and events into your life.
The tricky part is staying in a high vibrational state. Each time you are presented with something that alters your state of vibration and puts you back into a low vibrational frequency, this is your sign to take your power back. A lot of the time this can happen when we are triggered by a situation, a person, or an event happening in our life. The more you choose to stay in your power and not let outside circumstances affect you, the more you will get better at staying in your frequency of abundance!
Remember the saying “You are what you eat?” Well, in terms of high vibrational foods that phrase holds true. A great baseline for high vibrational food is to make sure you are eating whole, organic food, minimally or unprocessed foods. For fruits, we love grapefruit, pomegranate seeds, blueberries, bananas, and dragonfruit. Packing our meals with greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cilantro is another high vibration helper. Vegetables that are grown in the soil (root vegetables) also help impart all that Mother Earth vibrational goodness to us. So adding carrots, all varieties of potatoes, beets, jicama, and turnips are not only delicious but vibrational workhorses.
Creating a strong morning ritual that culminates with setting an intention for your day is a surefire way to raise your vibration. Positive thoughts create actions, starting your day off this way sets your frequency high.
Grounding is one of the simplest ways we can raise our vibration. To practice grounding, sometimes called earthing, all you need to do is take off your shoes and step onto Mother Earth. Take a few deep breaths and imagine your frequency extending and intertwining the magical vibration of Earth. Grounding is so easy you can do it throughout the day or whenever you’re starting to feel sluggish or not yourself. It’s an instant vibrational boost.
Spending time with positive people and high vibrational friends is another way to raise your frequency. When different vibrations are in close contact, they often start to sync up to the same frequency. Take a walk together, share thoughts, go out for a high vibe meal. Just being close to another person with a high frequency will boost your own.
Sound sends vibrations out into the universe and we can take in these sounds with every part of our body, raising our frequency. Singing bowls, steel tongue drums are often used with meditation to relax the body and raise your vibration. If you don’t have any instruments at hand, don’t worry, there are plenty of recordings out there! You can also find amazing high vibrations playlists to get your frequency moving in the right direction.