Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

The power of saying “No”…let go of fomo?

It can be overwhelming and exhausting trying to keep up with all of it, and it can leave us feeling like we’re not doing enough, not achieving enough, or not living life to the fullest.

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

10 Spring Cleaning Tips with TCR

Spring is finally here, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning. It’s the perfect time to freshen up your home, get organized, and create a clean and healthy living environment. Decluttering is not just about getting rid of things you no longer need or use. It can also have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being. By clearing out physical clutter, you create space for new energy to enter your life.

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

Want true intrinsic confidence? Read this…

We all want to be confident. Confidence is a powerful force that can help us navigate life and reach our goals, but it’s not always easy to come by. Intrinsic confidence is an important part of self-esteem, and it’s something we should strive for in order to lead full and meaningful lives. But what does it mean to be intrinsically confident?

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

How to Make Your Sunday’s ESSENTIAL with TCR

We all know that Sunday is the day of rest, but it can also be a great way to reset and get ready for the week ahead. Whether you’re looking to relax or just want to start off on a good note, here are some tips for making your Sundays more productive and enjoyable.

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies

Today, we’ll explore the two binary energies that exist in nature: the divine masculine and feminine. We’ll also explain how you can embrace them to improve your health, peace, energy, creativity, and joy.

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

How To Raise Your Vibration and Human Frequency

Have you ever been in a “mood” and can figure out why? You could have been experiencing a time when your frequency was low. My frequency? What is that? To be technical about it, frequency is a repeating vibration that happens over the course of one second; and EVERYTHING around us has a frequency or vibration. As humans, when our vibration is lowered we tend to experience physical and mental symptoms.

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Hailey Outland Hailey Outland

Sway the Way to Better Health using your Body Pendulum- Jen Desillier

Our mind-body connection is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. Practicing our connection and tuning into our unique energy can help us in accessing our higher wisdom. One way to build this connection and get answers from your higher self is to use your body as a pendulum.

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