Sacred Tool Box – Here’s What’s Inside

I am Affirmations:

“I am sacred. I am holy. I am made of the light of the Universe. Positive Energy flows to me and flows from me. I am love. I am divine. I emanate peace and love.”

Sometimes having a spiritual practice can feel like a lot of planning, and maybe can even be a bit intimidating. It can be difficult to find the quiet time you need to connect and focus. Sometimes it is a bit challenging to fit into your day, and you can fall off from your practice.

A great way to ensure you never run into these problems is to have a Spiritual Tool Box. This sacred box contains the tools you need to keep a consistent spiritual practice. In this blog, I will give you a tour of what’s inside of mine.

First, you want to find a box or some sort of bag that you really love. I personally use a large makeup bag from Bag All. It’s easy to travel with and is the perfect size for all of my tools. This box will become your best friend, you know that whenever you are in need of guidance or support it will be there. Keep this box in a safe space, near your altar. If you keep your sacred tools in a bag similar to mine, it’s much easier to travel with.

Here’s what’s inside mine:

Palo Santo and Incense

I use the palo santo before my meditations, for a few reasons. Burning palo santo gets rid of negative energies. The smell for me has become a huge part of my ritual, as soon as I smell the palo santo I know it’s time for me to go to that space, and by clearing the space it allows for a mindful and intentional release and shift in energy. I also burn palo santo any time I have a bad headache or stomach ache. It really helps with so much. Incense is used widely in many religious practices to deepen attention, heighten senses and uplift one’s own spirit when practicing meditation. I always have nag champa in my box.

Sandalwood Essential Oils

The best one I have found is the sandalwood from DoTerra. Sandalwood is very grounding and whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed this is the oil I reach for.

In ayurvedic medicine, sandalwood oil is believed to be beneficial in treating both physical and mental disorders, including anxiety, bronchitis, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, gallbladder problems, high blood pressure, indigestion, insomnia, liver problems, low libido, sore throat, and urinary tract infections.

Rose Water

Who doesn’t love the smell of roses? I keep rose water in my toolbox because, for me, spraying rose water on my face and around my aura is an act of self-love, it really uplifts my mood. Roses have always been the symbol of love and passion. In magical spells, roses are used for love rituals to attract love into your life.  It is also good to use to clear out any space of stagnant and low energy.

There are so many ways that Rose Water can be used in rituals. Although roses are typically known for their love and romantic abilities, they can also be used to boost self-empowerment, purification of thoughts and also encourages passion for dreams, goals, and suppressed imaginations.

Rapé and Kuripe

This tool has changed my life, and I don’t say this lightly. Rapé came into my life when I really needed to heal and I use this tool weekly. Rapé is a legal sacred ​shamanic snuff medicine, which is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English. They are very rare, sacred, powerful, precious, profoundly healing, and cleansing miracle medicines. When using rapé you can administer it yourself by using a kuripe.

Rapé’s are made in a very sacred and labor-intensive process and consist of various Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients. Some types of rapé are made by various indigenous tribes, who originate from different South American countries – primarily Brazil and Peru. Generally, they have the following effects – profoundly helps to re-align and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any sickness on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, opens-up the third eye, de-calcifies the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases any negative thoughts, removes any entities, connects you to your divine breath, and elevates your connection with Spirit. If you are interested in this sacred plant medicine here are my two favorite shops. Shamanic Snuff  and Dreamy Earth Designs 

My Favorite Small Crystals

I still have the first crystal I bought when I first got into collecting crystals, which is rose quartz. I have my crystal collection all over my house but this specific one I keep inside, it’s like a security blanket. I hold it in my hand whenever I feel like I really need it so keeping it in my box I always know where to find it.

Small Journal and Pen

I have a special little journal I keep inside of this box that I write all of my spiritual learnings in, when I have a very powerful meditation and get answers to questions I had, this is where I write it.

 Source 1 , Source 2


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