Go Deep- Get Into The Zone In Your Meditations

So, you’ve decided you want to form a deeper connection to yourself by creating a spiritual practice.

You have probably heard the first step is to start meditation. Do you ever talk to someone and they say they went deep in their meditation, but you have no idea how to get there? Well, the truth is, you really don’t need much to do so. With meditation practice, you have everything necessary already within you. By sitting yourself down, wherever you are, closing your eyes, and going within, you can get there. But, tools can most definitely help you on your meditation journey.

Here are our 5 tips to help you go “deep” in your mediations. 

Humming Meditation 

It is a powerful meditation, which is an easy technique for beginners to learn. It’s a great way to relax after a busy, stressful day and can help you sleep better at night when performed before bedtime. It is similar to mantra meditation, except there are no mantras vocalized. Here is a step-by-step guide by A Beautiful Space. 

  1. Find a comfortable seated or lying position, either on the floor, in a chair, or lying down on the floor, in bed, or on the sofa.

  2. Try to ensure you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes, turn the phone off, and inform others you do not wish to be disturbed.

  3. Begin by closing the eyes and taking three long, deep inhalations and exhalations to relax the body a little.

  4. Take your index fingers on each hand and block off your ear, canals gently.

  5. Now begin humming your favorite song or songs. You may wish to just hum randomly. Either method is effective.

  6. Continue to hum for at least 15 minutes and focus your attention on the sounds you are making. If the mind becomes distracted, gently bring your focus back to your humming.

  7. After 15 minutes, stop humming and enjoy the silence and peace of mind you have created for yourself. The longer you spend humming, the deeper the sense of relaxation peace, and happiness you will experience post this meditation.

  8. When you are ready, stand, and stretch.

Crystal singing bowls

Singing bowls allow you to relax and unwind. Thanks to their pure and natural notes, you can reduce your stress and enter serenely into meditation. Each different bowl plays a single note that corresponds to an energy center in your body (a chakra—there are seven).  On bass and treble octaves, the singing bowls transport you and allow you to stimulate your creativity. The sounds and vibrations provided by the singing bowl resonate with your body in order to rebalance its major functions and raise your vibratory rate. It allows you to improve your focus, to live consciously here and now.

We got our bowls from ChakraDrum on Etsy

Sacred Space

Before you can create your perfect calm oasis, you need to clear the space of any clutter or distractions. Make a list of what you want to include in your space and remove anything that’s not on that list. Part of decluttering includes decluttering your mind. Leave your phone in another room or, if you play soothing music or a meditation guide, turn off the notifications, turn on the music, and put your phone out of immediate reach so you won’t be tempted to check your social feeds.

Then light a candle to create a ritual around you being in this space, evoking love and good vibes all around. You may need this now more than ever: a place of your own. Step away from the news of the world, even if just for a few moments, to a place where you remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you connect to that light that you have always carried within you.

Japa Malas

Japa Malas have been worn and used for thousands of years by spiritual seekers, yogis, and others on their spiritual journey. In Sanskrit, Japa means ‘repeating in a low voice’ and Mala means ‘necklace.’  These beaded necklaces have a higher function when strung with 108 beads, a sacred number. While your fingers roll over each bead, it helps you keep count of the 108 times you silently recite a mantra such as “Sat Nam” (I am truth) or an uplifting phrase, like “I am whole and complete.” The combination of doing both together keeps the mind and body occupied, while you fall into a quiet space beyond habitual thinking patterns

We love the Malas from Modern Om- Modern Om who is local to Miami, they even have live events.

Finding The Best Meditation For You

Maybe sitting meditation isn’t for you… That’s fine! Did you know meditation can be connected to any activity you love to do. Meditation is a practice where you focus the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity, to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, and stable state. So if swimming for you gets you in the zone then let that be your meditation, really feel the softness of the water, be completely present, what does it sound like when you go under? Maybe walking meditation could be good for you, while you’re walking repeat a mantra that means something to you. Be aware of the feeling of your heel touching the ground, to the curve of the step, to finally the toes.


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