Six Crystals to Ignite Self Love
Ancient civilizations used crystals as a way to connect to the earth and nature. Now we collect them for their beauty and their supernatural qualities. The first step in working with crystals is setting intentions with each crystal. When you pair your crystal with practice, you give the crystal purpose, but it’s not the crystal doing the work. It’s you. Connecting with a crystal is just one way to help you tap into your intuition.
Like all things, crystals vibrate at their own unique frequency. The same is true of our bodies and the energy centers that lie within. These crystals for self-love are healing crystals picked because of their powerful properties that help you balance your love and trust for yourself, balance your emotional state and energy, assist in your healing journey, and in opening your heart chakra.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth.
Rhodochrosite is connected to the solar plexus chakra and is also known as the stone of the compassionate heart. Rhodochrosite is a top choice for self-love practices because it assists in healing. This healing is done by focusing on forgiving and having compassion for your inner child which will then allow you to feel a deep sense of self-worth which is directly related to self-love.
Rhodonite is the stone of self-love and helps with balancing the yin and yang energies in your body. This stone is associated with the root and heart chakras, to keep you grounded and in love.
Citrine contains a solar quality of energy, this is why it is traditionally considered a good healing crystal for the solar plexus/third chakra issues. It can help strengthen self-esteem and a positive, vibrant flow of energy in and around one’s body.
Moonstone is a soft and gentle stone that holds the power of the feminine energy of the moon. It is known as the stone of new beginnings and is associated with the crown chakra. A stone for new beginnings, moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness.
Carnelian is a stunning red crystal that is connected to your sacral chakra, a place where a lot of women especially hold onto past pain and trauma. Working with carnelian has a fiery energy that will boost your courage.