Practicing Embodiment for Nervous System Regulation
In this “go go go” world, most of us spend 99% of our time in our heads. We have so much to think about (read: worry about), plan, and understand. Today, we’ll break down conscious self-embodiment and how you can use it to live with ease.
Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance
Many women believe severe period pain, migraines, and mood swings are just part of being a woman! Others turn to pharmaceutical birth control to regulate cramps, acne, irregular cycles, and heavy periods (which opens a can of worms in itself).
How to Prioritize Your Self Care Rituals When Life Gets Busy
Let’s face it; there is SO much pressure on women to juggle work, childcare, grocery shopping, fitness, romance, and socializing. “Hustle culture” puts us in our masculine energy, making us believe that if we aren’t busy and working 24/7, we’re failing at life. Something must give – and usually, self-care falls through the cracks.
The Low Down And Benefits Of Facial Massaging
Facial massages improve the skin’s overall condition as they promote blood circulation. Still, you can expect many other benefits from regular facial massages.
The Power and Benefits of Breathwork
Our breath is the most miraculous and simplest gift bestowed on us. It supports us, reveals to us what is happening inside, teaches us, and empowers us. It is also a tool that is accessible to us at all times to find healing, safety, and joy.
10 Tips to Help You Kick the Last 10
So, you feel like you’ve done everything under the sun to reach your ideal goal weight, and just can’t seem to kick the last 10…Ideal weight is the weight one feels best at and can safely maintain. This allows people to let how they feel be their guide versus relying on a number on the scale.
How to Call In The Right Romantic Partner
Our everyday life is simply made up of a bunch of manifestations we have made consciously or subconsciously! Whether you believe it or not, every job, every relationship, and every circumstance has been manifested into your life, in some way shape or form. Manifesting is essentially bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.
Lifting Libido – Naturally
Human connection; we learn from it, we desire it, we find our true selves in concert with it. Human connection comes in many forms. We connect mentally through actions and words. We connect physically through touch and intimacy. What can we do if our desire for physical intimacy is lacking?
Get your Lymphatic System Moving
Our bodies are truly amazing. They allow us to live our life’s highest purpose with movement and intention. Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are not functioning as well as they could be to keep us in alignment. One cause might be congestion in your lymphatic system. Here are some ideas to add to your daily ritual to keep your body balanced.
Purifying Your Home, Body, and Spirit With House Plants
Our homes are our sacred place. They provide a place to nourish our bodies, connect with our souls, celebrate love and friendship, and shelter us from storms among so much more. We can amplify the healing impact of our sacred spaces with plants.
Six Crystals to Ignite Self Love
Ancient civilizations used crystals as a way to connect to the earth and nature. Now we collect them for their beauty and their supernatural qualities. The first step in working with crystals is setting intentions with each crystal.