Get your Lymphatic System Moving
Healing Affirmation:
“I am detoxing and healing my mind, body, and spirit. My body knows how to heal itself. I allow the intelligence of my body to move my health forward.”
Our bodies are truly amazing. They allow us to live our life’s highest purpose with movement and intention. Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are not functioning as well as they could be to keep us in alignment. One cause might be congestion in your lymphatic system. Here are some ideas to add to your daily ritual to keep your body balanced.
Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is a superstar when it comes to increasing lymphatic drainage, helping to detoxify your body. Your lymph system doesn’t have a central pump to move fluid the way the heart pumps the blood. It depends on muscle contractions to move it. It’s a one-way circulatory system. Every day, three liters of fluid are absorbed into your lymph vessels. Without your lymph system, your body would swell with fluid and waste, including viruses and bacteria. With lymphatic drainage practices, you’re moving lymph fluid through the vessels to mimic muscle contractions and speed up lymph circulation.
The basics are easy; use a natural, firm bristle brush to stroke your body in a circular motion; start from your legs and move up toward your heart, then from your arms and move down toward your heart. Use pressure that feels right for you, but for the best detoxifying results, firm pressure can be used. Dry brushing increases circulation and with that, it accelerates the rate at which lymph (carried by your blood) is filtered to remove toxins. Bonus – dry brush just before a shower, this will help exfoliate your skin and have your moisturizer ready when you are done!
Hot & Cold Shower
An alternating hot/cold shower is another simple way to activate lymphatic drainage. Starting your daily shower hot will allow the blood vessels carrying your lymph to dilate. Turning that water down cold will constrict them. This repeated action will act as a pump in your body, moving and filtering your lymph faster. Bonus – cold water can spur your white blood cells into action, helping you to avoid getting sick.
Herbal Teas
If you aren’t quite ready to hop into a hot/cold shower, there are plenty of herbs and herbal teas that can aid in lymphatic drainage. Red clover has been traditionally used to care for the lymphatic system, while red root is known to ease swollen lymph nodes and initiate lymph movement. Echinacea can also help with a healthy lymphatic system. It can increase the production of cells that clean up fluid in the body, thereby helping the system run smoothly. Bonus – teas added to your ritual are calming and a perfect companion when journaling.