PAUSE! 7 Helpful Hacks To Help You Combat Stress
First things first, breathe. Intentionally. Becoming aware of your breath and feeling the movement of your belly expanding is the first step to become more present and ready to tackle whatever is coming your way. Just know everything will be okay. To help ease your mind, we’re sharing 7 self-care tips to keep in your back pocket for when you’re feeling stressed or out of the flow. Keep reading below.
We all have that one song we can out on that instantly feels like a hug. You can add songs that calm you down, help you meditate, or just make you smile. Once your playlist is set, you can listen to it whenever you need. Music is medicine, we are huge believers in this. You can even check out our Spotify playlist here!
When starting to use yoga as a tool for stress relief, it is essential to notice what is already going on inside your body before changing anything. So often, when we are stressed, we are carrying tension in our shoulders, chest, and belly. Our breath might be rapid, and shallow, so the first step is to become aware of this. To alleviate these systems, focus on poses that undo this physical manifestation of stress. Positions such as child’s pose, side bends, inversions, and forward folds can help a lot. Here is a great yoga practice by Boho Beautiful for stress and anxiety.
During this time, focus on yourself and your surroundings, maybe even go outside and sit in nature. The emails and group text messages can wait. Giving yourself a moment of silence can help clear your mind and help destress. This is also a great time to use essential oils for your breathing. We love this one called breathe touch by doTERRA.
A messy, cluttered room only adds to your stress. Aside from making your bed every morning and keeping your area tidy, consider getting rid of any unnecessary things from your bedroom that are taking up space. You’ll be surprised how shifting to a more minimalistic style can make you feel lighter and overall less anxious. Donate the items you no longer need to a family in need, which will also help make you feel good.
When you’re feeling down, one of the easiest ways to shift your mood is by helping out others. This could be through donating things you no longer want or donating your time to those in need. You can even call up your closest friends or family members and asking how they are doing. Try and keep the conversation positive and uplifting. We’re all in this together and need as much emotional support as we can get.
At TCR we believe in the power of journaling. Journaling doesn’t mean you have to write a novel by any means. Not only will you feel relieved getting your thoughts and feelings out, but when you’re needing a pick-me-up, you can go back and read the older journal entries and remind yourself that whatever you’re going through will pass and brighter days are ahead.WRITE IT OUT
At TCR we believe in the power of journaling. Journaling doesn’t mean you have to write a novel by any means. Not only will you feel relieved getting your thoughts and feelings out, but when you’re needing a pick-me-up, you can go back and read the older journal entries and remind yourself that whatever you’re going through will pass and brighter days are ahead.
Food influences our mood. When sugary foods and refined carbohydrates cause blood sugar imbalances, mood swings may follow. If you have ever been “hangry” you know what I’m talking about. Remember that playlist I told you to make? Put it on, go to the market, and get all the ingredients for your favorite healthy meal. Try to get those dark leafy greens in, and a source of protein. Also, you should try to avoid any caffeine, and added sugars. Stick to peppermint or chamomile tea.