Healing Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra Affirmation:
“I am living a pleasurable life. I am grateful for the joy of being me. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression. I embrace and celebrate my sexuality. I am honoring my body and treat myself respectfully. My sexuality is sacred. I am feeling complete peace from within.”
The sacral chakra, or Swadhisthana, is the second of the body’s seven main chakras, or energy centers. It forms when we are between the ages of 8 and 14 and just beginning to develop a sense of self.
This energy center sits about 2 inches below the belly button and is all about creativity, sexual energy, and relating to our emotions and the emotions of others. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra radiates warmth, confidence, and generosity. For women, we hold a lot of space in this chakra, so when it is out of balance we can really feel the blockage.
When the sacral chakra is out of balance it can show up in all sorts of ways, it can lead to feelings of fear, overwhelm, depression, emotional instability, loss of creativity, and addictive behaviors. When your sacral chakra is out of balance it can also lead to health problems such as chronic low back pain, ovarian cysts, and other reproductive issues, urinary tract infections, impotence, pain during intercourse, complications with the bladder and kidneys, and other pelvic–lower abdominal issues.
For me personally, it showed up in losing my period for 2 years. I never had issues with my period, I was always very regular. When I was 21 I started experiencing really bad hormonal acne and I tried everything. From topical creams to diet, to supplements and nothing seemed to be doing the job so I decided to go on hormonal birth control. My skin started to clear up within 2 months but the side effects were too much for me to handle so I stopped taking the birth control. I then lost my period for 2 years – that’s pretty unheard of according to the dermatologist I was seeing, and she didn’t understand how that could be happening. I mean sure – to lose your period for a couple of months in normal but 1+ years, doesn’t really happen unless of course, you’re on the pill for years. When I went to the gynecologist she said “well most women don’t have regular periods” that was the moment I knew I had to figure it out myself.
So I started my journey of not only healing my acne but healing my reproductive system. Turns out it was different sides of the same coin. When I started this self-healing I didn’t know I was directly healing my sacral chakra- that’s something I learned about a year in. Here are the things I did to tend to my sacral chakra.
I have always been creative since I was a little girl. I noticed when I was going through these problems I lost touch with my creative side and was desperately trying to get that back. When you have this blockage it can be really hard to get your feelings out which is why journaling can help you tap in which in turn can help you get that creativity back. Some questions to ask yourself as you journal are:
What is something creative that I have always wanted to try, but never gave myself the time to? Could be painting, yoga, pottery.
How am I feeling right now? Scan your body from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head, get specific on paper what each part of your body is feeling.
How do I define sensuality? What does it mean to be a sensual being?
What do I feel passionate about in my life? How do I express my passion?
If a chakra feels blocked, it usually means that stagnant energy is trapped there. So if you feel a block in the sacral, try to get moving with an emphasis on the hips and lower abs. Tap into your intuition and as you flow freely move your hips and belly. I love this flow by Allie – The Journey Junkie.
Healing Foods
Foods that are are rich in sources of healthy fats are very nourishing for the sacral chakra. Fish, nuts, and seeds such as flax, poppy, sesame, hemp, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds are extremely therapeutic for this chakra. Orange foods such as oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, apricots, mangos, papayas, pumpkin, and mandarins are all healing foods for the sacral chakra.
We have a recipe for a sacral healing juice here
Sacral Pranayama
Deep breathing is the first step in releasing physical tension. When combined with sensuality and sexual pleasure, it can open up blockages in your sacral chakra and increase sexual vitality. One way, chakra pranayama, or breathwork for chakra healing, involves deep rhythmic breathing techniques designed to relieve tension and enhance energy flow.
This practice is powerful when used to clear the sacral chakra; it improves your overall wellbeing and enjoyment, creating space for sexual energy to flow freely. This type of breathwork also translates into intimacy and pleasure with yourself, or a partner, by helping to increase comfort, confidence, connectivity, and deepen orgasm.
1. Lie on your back or in a seated position. Place your hands gently above your pelvis or rest them gently beside your hips.
2. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply in until you feel your stomach expand out, similar to a balloon. Hold.
3. Exhale slowly as you let out the breath until your stomach feels completely deflated. Hold.
Repeat step 2.
4. As you breathe, visualize an orange-red glowing light radiating cleansing energy in the sacral chakra area. Continue this for at least 5 minutes.
Emotions may come up when you do these different exercises – you may feel the need to cry, let it all go, allow yourself to feel these emotions – let them pour out of you.
When I finally felt my sacral chakra release – I was in a sacred ceremony- moving my hips and crying, while taking deep belly breaths… The next morning I woke up with my period, and since then I have now have had a regular period.
When the sacral chakra is in healthy alignment, you will be able to source energy for creativity, movement, procreation, desire, pleasure, and relationships. You will be able to freely express your wants and needs in relationships, and pleasure will be a priority. Creativity and visualization will become easy for you to tap into when your sacral is aligned.
Chakra balancing is a lifelong journey that won’t happen overnight. But these practices can help your sacral chakra support you on the path to abundance, fulfillment, and creativity. Be patient but consistent, tend to your body, this is the only one you have.