Unblocking Your Heart Chakra and Tapping into Divine Love- Jacqueline Fiol @Moonsoulcollective

Affirmations to help you unlock your heart chakra:

I am worthy of the purest love. I live in harmony with all other beings.  I release and let go of all resentment.

My heart is free from past hurt. It is safe for me to love and be loved. I am an infinite supply of love.

Love is my guiding truth.  I love myself unconditional. My heart is open.

Unblocking Your Heart Chakra and Tapping into Divine Love

The heart chakra, or Anahata chakra in Sanskrit, is our spiritual center. The heart chakra is our core; it is the place that unifies above and below, within and without. The task of the fourth chakra is to integrate and balance the various aspects of our being. Doing so brings a radiant sense of wholeness to what it means to be a human living on Earth and accepting the spirit and matter. Within this sense of wholeness lie the seeds of inner peace.

Anahata translates to “unhurt.” the chakra is located at the center of the spine at heart level. The heart chakra acts as the essence of compassion, empathy, love, trust, and forgiveness. The chakra’s focus points are one’s heart, lungs, and circulatory system.

 When there is a blockage in the heart chakra, you may have trouble relating to others, feelings of excessive jealousy, codependency, lack of sympathy, and even bitterness. Not to mention, imbalance in this chakra may bring about several health issues relating to the heart’s focus points. Each chakra in the body is a doorway to one’s spiritual consciousness. The heart chakra is responsible for enabling one’s ability to receive and give love. 


What causes one’s heart chakra to be blocked? Relationship hurt, whether with a lover, family member, friend, or parent. Also lack of self-love, codependence, and or grief can cause it to be blocked.


There are several ways to align your heart, but the number one thing to always remember is to live life with intention. Create a purpose, be the intention. The heart chakra requires an understanding and control of breath, for it is the ultimate tool for a physical and mental transformation. 


Breath is the heart of life. Breath, related to the element of air, is one of the primary keys to opening the heart chakra. Air is the most quickly distributed element in the body. Each inhalation of air immediately enters the bloodstream, and oxygen is supplied to each cell in our circulatory system, mastered by the heart. Each breath nourishes and feeds the system. 


Be mindful of each moment and conscious of your ego. Use visualization techniques such as meditation, reiki, journaling, and sound healing to tap into the divine frequency of love. 


Become intimate with your heart wall; imagine bringing the wall down and inviting light to come in. Embrace the light within your heart. 


Surround yourself with green as it symbolizes the heart chakra. Ground yourself in nature and eat foods that are vibrant in green. Green is the color of life and renewal. 


The heart requires an understanding and practice of balance between mind and body, inner and outer realms, self and other, giving and receiving. Opening the heart requires transcendence and surrender to the universe.

 If the heart chakra is open, you will feel a deep sense of connectedness with everything around you and realize that there is beauty in all things. This alignment allows forgiveness and compassion for whatever comes into our field. Love can emerge with the deep sense of peace from lack of need, with a joyous acceptance of our place among all things, and the radiance that comes from inner harmony.

Journal prompts to help you unblock your heart chakra:

What does unconditional love mean to me?

How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?

What positive practices can I incorporate into my life to show myself more compassion, empathy, and self-acceptance? Name ten things you love most about yourself.

What does it mean to me to be a compassionate being? Why is it important to me to be compassionate?

Source 1: Chakra Awakening by Anit Samsul Amin
Source 2 Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith 


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