Sun, Moon, Rising – What Does It All Mean? Your Birth Chart Breakdown! by Jacqueline Fiol @moonsoulcollection

Astrology is a language, art, and science that studies the relationship between the cycles of celestial bodies and humans on Earth—derived from Greek roots Astron (star) and logos (word or speech), meaning “star talk.” The purpose of learning astrology is to gain a better understanding of ourselves. 

 The term Zodiac in astrology refers to the cosmic positions of the exact time a person was born. Zodiac is a belt-shaped region around the heavens.  It is 8 degrees North and South of the ecliptic. Ecliptic is the pattern of the Sun, Moon, and all other visible planets across the celestial sphere. 

 The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into four elements:

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius represent the Element of Fire

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn represent the Element of Earth

Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini represent the Element of Air.

Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces represent the Element of Water.

Birth Charts offer deep insight and with this information comes a new form of insight about our place in the cosmos. 

 Birth Charts, also known as Natal Charts, are what determine your placements in signs and planets. At birth, we were all born with a sacred chart that defines who we are astrologically. A Birth Chart shows us who we are at our core. It calculates the astrological aspects and detailed angles of the magical moment, our birth.

Your Sun, Moon, Rising (Ascendant) are considered the three primary indicators of personality in the birth chart. Your Sun Sign represents the essence of who you know yourself to be, your conscious purpose, and your identity. Your Moon Sign represents the innermost core of your being, private feelings, and subconscious habits and attitudes. Your Rising, also known as your Ascendant, is of the Zodiac that was rising or ascending over the Eastern horizon at your Birth. The Ascendant represents the outer layer of your being, your mask or persona of how you present yourself to the world. 


Other placements then follow your Birth Chart, and each plays a significant role. 

 Mercury represents how one acquires knowledge, formulates concepts, and communicates them to others. 

 Venus is how you attract the people and things you love and value. 

 Mars describes how you assert yourself and pursue your wants and desires. Mars also relates to one’s sexuality, aggression, and energy. 

 Jupiter signifies how you seek meaning in life and expand your horizons.  Jupiter is associated with our search for meaning, truth, and ethical values. 

 Saturn expresses how you limit, define, and focus on yourself.  Saturn represents the capacity to create order, form, and discipline in one’s life. 

 Uranus indicates how one best expresses one’s uniqueness and originality with the capacity to liberate ourselves from past limitations. 

 Neptune is the psychic, telepathic self, representing how one formulates dreams and ideals. Often symbolized as transcending the finite self through experiencing unity with a greater whole. 

 Pluto is how one undergoes transformation and renewal. 

 Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried. 

 The South Node is our overdeveloped character trait. We are talented here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. 

 The North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.


For full accessibility to your Birth Chart, you are going to need your birthday, time of birth, and location. My favorite Birth Chart generator is
Astro Cafe Astrology. It is extremely reliable and provides amazing information.
Birth Charts also dive into more in-depth when addressing the astrological houses, aspects, and Chiron in each chart.

Your chart will show you a brand-new way to understand yourself, your unconscious self, and your soul’s purpose.

Source 1: Astrology for Yourself by Douglas Bloch & Demetra George

Source 2: 


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