Get To Know Our Morning Cup Of Joe
We live in a hustle and bustle society, that thrives on the go-go-go lifestyle. So often it feels so casual to wake up make a coffee and head out the door. New York is a great example of the coffee culture. Little did we know the damage this small ritual is doing to our gut health and overall wellness! Coffee has been glamorized by the media and society. We are definitely not opposed to coffee here at TCR, but there are smart ways to enjoy and make sure you’re protecting your gut and the overall health of the rest of your body.
Coffee affects everyone differently. One person’s morning cup of energy and motivation is another person’s cup of edge and anxiety! Coffee has many benefits and disadvantages.
Many benefits of coffee are:
Can help with physical performance.
Aid in the assistance of weight loss
Burn fat- Helps it break down and use fat as energy.
Packed with Antioxidants
Increase Focus and Alertness
Helps fight depression
That being said not drinking coffee the right way can cause more harm than good. Coffee can cause insomnia, restlessness, toxin build-up, and anxiety. Your specialty drinks from Starbucks are not the good kind of coffee were talking about ( Beware. Lots of special coffees are packed with sugar!) even if you get the sugar-free syrup, the aspartame in the sugar-free syrup actually tricked your body into thinking you’re getting sugar, therefor spikes your insulin and stores your fat, because it is not given any real sugar for fuel!
The quality of your coffee is extremely important. A lot of people don’t know this but most coffee contains both toxins and mold. Bad quality coffee can have a lot of impurities in it, which can cause sickness, headaches, or a general bad feeling. This can happen if your coffee is made from beans that have been over ripped or otherwise ruined. Even one ruined bean can make your cup toxic. If you invest and buy high-quality, specialty coffee you don’t have to worry about this. The danger comes from the mycotoxins that the mold spores produce. Mycotoxins can have a variety of nasty effects on the human body when they’re inhaled or consumed.
Only drink coffee made from beans grown at a high altitude. High altitudes tend to create drier climates, and drier climates are considerably less hospitable to mold than areas with large amounts of precipitation (or humidity).
Thus, coffee grown in these places is less likely to become infested with mold spores during the fermentation and wrapping processes. When buying packaged coffee, look for the words “High Altitude” somewhere on the label.
Now on to my most important tip about coffee!
Recently we did an Instagram live with holistic nutritionist and healer Jules. We learned so much valuable and amazing information in this live! If you haven’t yet listened to it, head over to our Instagram to watch the IGTV.
We asked what her three number one tips for ultimate health and maintaining a healthy metabolism are. One of her number one tips and suggestions that she stressed, was “No coffee on an empty stomach!!” First, it increases
cortisol, which can negatively impact ovulation, weight, and hormonal balance.” The so-called stress hormone—which, among other things, helps regulate energy and makes you feel alert—fluctuates throughout the day, but is generally high in the morning and low in the evening.”
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach and also causes issues from your mental health to your gut health. It does stimulate acid production in the stomach. If you’re prone to acid reflux or other GI issues, it’s worth paying attention to your symptoms to see if coffee exacerbates them. Rosenblum recommends eating a breakfast of calcium-rich foods (like yogurt, almonds, spinach, kale, or chia seeds), which help neutralize both the acidity of the coffee and your stomach acid. Simply put, eating anything with our coffee is always best!
Typically my go-to morning routine around coffee consists of; waking up and having a green juice on an empty stomach, having some water with lemon, a bowl of fruit ( I like to cut up Papaya, melon, mango, and berries in the fridge for easy grab and go) This makes it easier for me to avoid having coffee on an empty stomach. I typically wait 20 minutes, and then I’ll sit down with my coffee to do my morning journal ritual. It’s quite funny after you start getting into this habit and routine, you find that you actually don’t need coffee as much as you think you do!
I challenge you this week to start incorporating this ritual and practice into your everyday routine!