Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies
Today, we’ll explore the two binary energies that exist in nature: the divine masculine and feminine. We’ll also explain how you can embrace them to improve your health, peace, energy, creativity, and joy.
How to Practice Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) for Energy and Stress Relief
You may be interested in a health practice known as non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) that big shots at Harvard and Google rely on to increase their productivity and well-being. Essentially, it gives you the benefits of sleeping without actually sleeping.
Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance
Many women believe severe period pain, migraines, and mood swings are just part of being a woman! Others turn to pharmaceutical birth control to regulate cramps, acne, irregular cycles, and heavy periods (which opens a can of worms in itself).
How to Prioritize Your Self Care Rituals When Life Gets Busy
Let’s face it; there is SO much pressure on women to juggle work, childcare, grocery shopping, fitness, romance, and socializing. “Hustle culture” puts us in our masculine energy, making us believe that if we aren’t busy and working 24/7, we’re failing at life. Something must give – and usually, self-care falls through the cracks.