Your Guide to Angel Numbers & Universal Signs
Do you ever question the things that are happening in your life and desire clarity? The Universe is a master at sending us signs to help us on our paths. We just need to be willing to accept those signs and know how to interpret them. The universe is talking to us. It is trying to get our attention. It is trying to guide us, connect with us, and wake us up. There are plenty of signs out there but are we looking? Are we listening? And do we even know what to look for?
Divine Numbers or Angel Numbers
One day, you may notice that your morning Uber ride was $9.99 and then later in the day your green juice was $9.99. You could write this off as a coincidence, but it’s not. Repeating numbers are signs from the Universe; so when you see them, think about the thoughts that have been floating in your head or an issue that has been plaguing you. Using the brief explanations below, you can find guidance on what the Universe is trying to tell you.
1 – Manifesting, New Beginnings, & Intuition
2 – Alignment & Harmony
3 – Communication & Support
4 – Support, Strength, & Loyalty
5 – Change & Courage
6 – Focus & Reflect
7 – Luck & Success
8 – Balance & prosperity
9 – Release & Coming to a close
Synchronicity describes random occurrences or events that appear coincidental. When we look at these occurrences or events through a different lens, a lens that is ready to receive information from the Universe, we realize there is more meaning.
Say you are on your way to brunch with a friend when you encounter a detour; you have to take a different route. When you get to the brunch spot a fresh sidewalk has just been laid, so you need to find a new way in. Then, when you get back home, the elevator is broken and you find yourself taking the stairs. On the surface, these are all just inconveniences. When you sit and reflect, you realize you have been thinking about changing your career path and all day your path has changed. The Universe just helped you with your question.
Other signs from the Universe are ringing in your ears, this means Spirit or the Universe wants you to hear a message or focus on your thoughts; smells, dreams, and objects that are out of place or break unexpectedly.