What is your Human Design & how can it optimize your well-being?
Are you feeling out of alignment with your purpose and potential?
Is your true self feeling ignored, bored, and burnt out?
If this sounds like you, a spiritual tool known as Human Design can help you get back in alignment and create a life you love.
Human Design could be the missing piece your higher self is looking for.
What is Human Design?
You may be familiar with astrological charts, the Myers-Briggs personality test, and the Enneagram – but Human Design takes these self-discovery tools to the next level. It blends astrology, the Chakra energy system, the Jewish Kabbalah, ancient mythology, and quantum physics to give you a unique path to finding peace, joy, and abundance.
So, what’s it all about?
Human Design suggests you are born as the truest version of yourself – completely authentic.
However, as you grow, you adopt beliefs from friends, family, teachers, and even the media. You move further away from the essence of who you are. You halt your self-expression to please others, stifling your soul in the process.
Human Design helps you understand your genetic and spiritual wiring. It guides you towards your truest self and your purpose in life. It’s not about becoming anything but rather living in alignment with who you already are.
The 5 Human Design Energy Types
Like astrology, Human Design uses your birth date, time, and place to generate a Birth Graph, which is your blueprint for life.
One of the most important things this teaches you is your unique energy type. It helps you claim your power back. You are either a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector.
Here’s more about the traits and strengths of each energy type:
Generators have an abundance of creative energy and can work without tiring if the work excites them. However, their downfalls are people-pleasing and not trusting their intuition – they need to learn to say no to others.
Generators represent about 70% of the population.
Manifestors are trailblazers, inspiring, and motivating others on their path. They are full of fire, but their energy comes in bursts. When in alignment, they achieve their goals quickly. However, they are prone to starting but not finishing projects if they don’t have enough support.
Manifestors are suited to entrepreneurship; they like to make the rules.
Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of Generators and Manifestors. They are creative multitaskers, prone to switching careers frequently. They also encourage others to use their creative energy to better the world.
Manifesting Generators have many interests and need to honor this to feel content.
Projectors are guides and healers, helping others with their knowledge. However, they must be asked to share their knowledge, never pushing it onto other people. Projectors also need to rest more than they need to work – they should honor their body’s signals by working and exercising on higher energy days.
Bitterness and resentfulness are signs they aren’t living in alignment.
Reflectors are the rarest and the most sensitive energy type. They can read and mirror the energy of others back into the world. Reflectors can happily float through life without a plan, although this makes them misunderstood by others.
How Human Design Can Optimize Your Well-Being and Success
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to work with your natural energy instead of against it?!
Understanding your energy type gives you tools to understand yourself, your needs, your shadows, your relationships, and your purpose.
One of these tools is your inner authority. It’s like your inner compass, leading you to make decisions in line with your intuition.
For example, Reflectors do well when living in line with the moon cycle. Their inner authority suggests they should allow 28 days (a lunar cycle) before making decisions to really digest the information.
It’s different for everyone but learning to trust your inner authority can save you a fortune in energy.
Your Birth Graph also identifies which of your nine energy centers (known as chakras) are vulnerable or “open.” This doesn’t mean something is wrong with you – no! Instead, it helps you understand where you get energy from and where you need to create energetic boundaries.
For example, an open root chakra could indicate you put excessive pressure on yourself. Being aware of this can help you set energetic boundaries.
Where to Begin?
If you’re ready to jump into your Human Design Birth Graph, you can get one onlinein minutes. However, reading it may be tricky. We suggest consulting a qualified Human Design “reader” to help you navigate this system.
Once you have a deeper understanding of your Human Design, you can start using it to identify and release limiting beliefs that may be getting in your way. But don’t use it as a stick to bear yourself with – the key is to experiment with the tools and be flexible!